Friday, October 31, 2008


So I went to Zumba last night for the first time. It. Was. Awesome.

I don't think I've had that much fun working out, well, ever. I'm an addict now. Zumba is like crack, or what I would imagine crack being like anyway.

Anyway, I also got to leave Peaches in the nursery, so I had some just-for-Mommy-time. That was great. So often I just need a break from being a Mom, and I think I've really found that in the YMCA. I get to go there as often as I want, work out to feel better, and get a break from toddler craziness.

I think I'll go again today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeding the Fish

It occurs to me that breastfeeding a 14 month old is much like fishing. I just open up my shirt and wait. And she comes. She opens up her mouth wide and sucks in the bait.

Don't worry... it's always catch and release.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I am Mrs. Pink.

On Pink's Mind Today:

All Things Cloth.

What do I mean by that? I mean cloth diapers, cloth napkins, cloth handkerchiefs, cloth cleaning rags. Cloth toilet paper! (Now that's a step I've been wanting to take, but my husband, Mr. Green, won't go for it.)

Cloth diapers are first to mind. Now, these aren't your granny's cloth diapers. (I'd say Mom, but chances are your mom used disgusting paper/plastic diapers.) These are cute, fluffy, begging to be cuddled colorful all-in-one fancy cloth numbers. One of these babies will rival your softest softie... and eventually you'll be lulled over the dark (bright?) side where disposable diapers disgust and dismay you. I wouldn't give up my cloth diapers for anything. I've even found myself wondering what I'll be interested in once my little girl potty trains. Not convinced? Let me say again: no bacteria-harboring wet pail for baby to drown in, no gag-inducing toilet rinsing, no sticky, rustling vinyl pants to wrestle with, no sticky pins!

Once you take the cloth diaper plunge, cloth will bleed into other areas of your life. First, you'll start to notice how much of your trash can is filled with paper towels, Kleenex, and napkins. And then you'll go to the store in search of cloth. Cloth everything. And it will almost bankrupt you to buy enough cloth napkins for the week, enough handkerchiefs for your allergic-to-everything family, and enough cleaning rags/towels to replace everything that you used paper towels for. But you won't care.

You won't care about the cost because you will become disgusted, literally, grossed-out, by everything disposable. You will gag at handling a used Kleenex, or a crumbling, shredded, wet paper towel. And God forbid you even look at a disposable diaper. I can't even go down that aisle at the store. The smell sickens me (of fresh ones!)

And once you've crossed over, you will be happier and better because of it.